Robins official matchday programme scoops the top spot!

North Shields Football Clubs official matchday programme has been crowned as the best in Northern League and 15th Nationally in the prestigious annual Soccer Club Swap Shop Programme awards.

Soccer Club Swap Shop each year takes every club’s programme through from the Premier League right through to the non-league and judges the overall quality of each publication.

For the third season running, Soccer Club Swap Shop has rated North Shields’ modern and informative programme as their winner but the club went one better this season by finishing the highest ranked programme that the club has ever finished!

Our matchday programme beat off competition from excellent programme publications produced by Whitley Bay, West Allotment Celtic, Whickham, Penrith, Redcar Athletic, Crook Town and Guisborough Town.

North Shields also ranked higher in the national rankings than South Shields.

The Robins programme was recognised for its wide variety of features, including its regular in-depth coverage of the club, historical pieces.

Now in its 25th year, Soccer Club Swap Shop undertook its first programme awards for the 1991-92 season which proved a successful exercise for the hundreds of clubs that entered and the competition has gone from strength to strength.

The club are delighted to have won the award once again. Sean Mulligan who has produced the programme for the past 3 years expressed his delight for another top award and great national recognition.